Eventually I get into producing something I think is useful for others. You'll find random technical knowledge in this Blog so please be patient and use the search function. Some of these software are rather lame and old, the list is ordered by the approximate age (newest first). Unfortunately my older stuff are lost or scattered around my old CDs, not readable anymore 8(.

Playing random videos from a directory using MPlayer

The following shell script plays avi, mpeg and wmv files in a random order when executed in a directory containing files.

ls -1Q \
| awk 'BEGIN {FS="\n"} /.*.(avi|mpg|mpeg|wmv)/ {printf("%i\t%s\n",rand()*10^6,$1) }' \
| sort | cut -f2 | xargs mplayer -fs
2010-05-02 20:06 · 0 Linkbacks


A small shell script to convert singlepage A4-sized pdf documents to two pages per sheet using pstools.

function switch() {
    rm -f pdfopt.ps
    mv pdfopt2.ps pdfopt.ps
pdftops -paper A4 -level3 $1 pdfopt.ps
psresize -p a4 pdfopt.ps pdfopt2.ps ; switch
psnup -n2 -d1 -pa4 -Pa4 pdfopt.ps pdfopt2.ps ; switch
psresize -pa4 pdfopt.ps pdfopt2.ps ; switch
psresize -Pa4 pdfopt.ps pdfopt2.ps ; switch
ps2ps pdfopt.ps pdfopt2.ps ; switch
ps2pdf pdfopt.ps `basename $1 .pdf`_2.pdf
rm -f pdfopt.ps
2010-05-02 20:06 · 0 Linkbacks

Creating alternative XMLTV station lists for Hungary and Romania

The PERL xmltv grabber for .hu and .ro packaged with the original xmltv distribution is rather slow and buggy so I've decided to write my own using AWK and of course bash.

WGET="wget -q -O- "
get_channel_list() {
    list=`$WGET "http://www.port.hu/pls/tv/tv.channel?i_ch=1&i_days=1&i_xday=1&i_where=1"`
#    echo -e "$list" | egrep -zo '<select name="i_ch".*</select>' | awk '/value="[0-9]+">.*<\/option>/ { print $1 }'
#    echo -e "$list" | tr -d '\n' | egrep -o '<select name="i_ch".*</select>' | sed
    echo -e "$list" | awk '\
BEGIN{a=0} \
/<select name="i_ch"/{a=1} \
a==1 && /value/ { \
    split($0,b,/value="/); \
    chan=b[2] + 0; \
    split($0,b,/value="[0-9]+">/); \
    split(b[2],c,/<\/option>/); \
    name=c[1]; \
    print chan "\t" name; \
} \
/<\/select>/{a=0} \
' | sort -n | sed "s/&/&amp;/g"
# print header
cat <<EOF
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<!DOCTYPE tv SYSTEM "xmltv.dtd">
<tv source-info-url="http://www.port.hu/" source-data-url="http://www.port.hu" generator-info-name="XMLTV_MCREE" generator-info-url="http://www.tricon.hu/~mcree">
# print channel list
echo -e "$channels" | while read channel; do
    id=`echo -e "$channel" | cut -f1`
    name=`echo -e "$channel" | cut -f2`
    echo "<channel id=\"$id\">"
    echo "      <display-name lang=\"hu\">$name</display-name>"
    echo "</channel>"
# get programmes
for day in -1 +0 +1 +2 +3; do
offset=$(( $day + 1 ))
date=`date +%Y%m%d -d"now $day days"`
nextdate=`date +%Y%m%d -d"now $day days"`
zone=`date +%z`
echo -e "$channels" | while read channel; do
    id=`echo -e "$channel" | cut -f1`
    name=`echo -e "$channel" | cut -f2`
    programmes=`$WGET "http://www.port.hu/pls/tv/tv.channel?i_ch=$id&i_days=$offset&i_xday=1&i_where=1"`
    echo -e "$programmes" | awk '\
tr==1 && /<td.*<span class="btxt"/ {\
if (d[1]!=0) {date="'$date'"} else {date="'$nextdate'"}; \
print "<programme start=\"" date d[1] d[2] "00 '$zone'\" channel=\"'$id'\">";\
for (b=0;b<res;b++) \
    if (a[b] ~ /\w/) \
        if (c==0) {\
            c=1; \
            print "<title lang=\"hu\">" a[b] "</title>"\
        } else {\
            if (c==1) { c=2; print "<desc lang=\"hu\">"}\
            print a[b]\
    if (c>1) print "</desc>"; \
print "</programme>"; \
' | sed "s/&/&amp;/g"
# print footer
cat <<EOF
2010-05-02 20:06 · 0 Linkbacks


muddlestats.py.zip - My first somewhat serious python code that generates html statistics from muddleftpd server logs.

Migrating user database to LDAP on Debian Lenny and OpenVZ

As a preparation for for establishing a distributed virtualized environment based on OpenVZ I had to create a new VE based on a precreated Debian Lenny x86 minimal OS template. Once the new VE had Internet access I took the time to update it and remove some unnecessary packages, reconfigure debconf to ask all questions then installed a basic LDAP environment:

dpkg-reconfigure debconf
apt-get install slapd ldapscripts libapache2-mod-php5 php5-ldap cpu wbritish

The configuration values are mostly left intact. I've set the default password and DN (dc=example,dc=com) per se.

Then I've modified /etc/nsswitch.conf to contain:

passwd:         files ldap
group:          files ldap
shadow:         files ldap

hosts:          files dns ldap
networks:       files

protocols:      db files
services:       db files
ethers:         db files
rpc:            db files

netgroup:       nis

I've downloaded and configured PHP LDAP Admin:

wget "http://switch.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/phpldapadmin/phpldapadmin-"

Then I've created a shell script to migrate user accounts (1000<uid) and groups (1000<gid<80000) to the LDAP database inside my VE (id:100). Modify this script to match your own settings.

generate() {
passwd=`cat /etc/passwd`
shadow=`cat /etc/shadow`
group=`cat /etc/group`
echo -e "$passwd" | while read line; do
    name=`echo "$line" | cut -f 1 -d:`
    uid=`echo "$line" | cut -f 3 -d:`
    gid=`echo "$line" | cut -f 4 -d:`
    gecos=`echo "$line" | cut -f 5 -d: | recode l1..bs | tr -d "\b"`
    home=`echo "$line" | cut -f 6 -d:`
    shell=`echo "$line" | cut -f 7 -d:`
    if [ $uid -lt 1000 ]; then
    passwd=`echo -e "$shadow" | egrep "^$name:" | cut -f2 -d:`
cat <<EOF
dn: cn=$name,ou=Users,dc=example,dc=com
cn: $name
objectClass: account
objectClass: posixAccount
objectClass: top
uid: $name
uidNumber: $uid
gidNumber: $gid
userPassword: {crypt}$passwd
homeDirectory: $home
loginShell: $shell
gecos: $gecos
echo -n "$group" | while read line; do
    name=`echo "$line" | cut -f 1 -d:`
    gid=`echo "$line" | cut -f 3 -d:`
    members=`echo "$line" | cut -f 4 -d:`
    if [ $gid -lt 1000 -o $gid -gt 80000 ]; then
cat <<EOF
dn: cn=$name,ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=com
objectClass: top
objectClass: posixGroup
cn: $name
gidNumber: $gid
    echo -n "$members" | tr ',' "\n" | while read member; do
        echo "memberUid: $member"
echo ""
file=`mktemp -p /vz/root/100/tmp/`
basefile=`basename "$file"`
dnfile=`mktemp -p /vz/root/100/tmp/`
basednfile=`basename "$dnfile"`
generate > $file
cat $file | egrep "^dn:" | cut -f2 -d' ' > $dnfile
vzctl exec 100 ldapdelete -c -x -D "cn=admin,dc=example,dc=com" -w ******** -H ldap:// -f /tmp/$basednfile
vzctl exec 100 ldapadd -c -x -D "cn=admin,dc=example,dc=com" -w ******** -H ldap:// -f /tmp/$basefile
rm -f $file
rm -f $dnfile

To create home directories within the new VE the following small script can be used:

ldapsearch -x -b "ou=Users,dc=example,dc=com" "objectClass=PosixAccount" "dn" | grep "^dn" | cut -f2 -d' ' | while read dn; do
    data=`ldapsearch -x -b "$dn"`
    home=`echo -e "$data" | grep "homeDirectory" | cut -f2 -d' '`
    uid=`echo -e "$data" | grep "uidNumber" | cut -f2 -d' '`
    gid=`echo -e "$data" | grep "gidNumber" | cut -f2 -d' '`
    if echo "$home" | grep "/home/"; then
        mkdir -p $home
        chown $uid:$gid $home
        chmod ug=rwX,o-rwx $home

The last thing that needs to be done is to modify the PAM configuration in the following files.


account	sufficient	pam_ldap.so
account	required	pam_unix.so


auth    sufficient      pam_ldap.so
auth    required        pam_unix.so nullok_secure try_first_pass


password   required   pam_ldap.so
password   required   pam_unix.so nullok obscure min=4 max=8 md5 use_first_pass
2010-05-02 20:06 · 0 Linkbacks


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